Organizations are increasingly expected to engage in socially and environmentally sustainable behavior. Such responsible activities include relations with more and less powerful constituents, as well as minorities and marginalized voices. Yet, prejudice and dominant stereotypes of social groups severely frustrate employability opportunities of diverse minority groups – both in the Netherlands and beyond. Here we study to what extent media’s depictions of social groups are related to (implicit) stereotypical beliefs about (prospective) employees and co-workers in organizational contexts. Research themes relate to questions, such as: How are minority groups portrayed in social and traditional media and what are the consequences of such portrayals for (implicit) stereotypical beliefs and employability outcomes? Furthermore, organizations engage in broader societal and political discourses about sustainable development. Related public discourses that can be observed in mainstream media but also on social media concern issues ranging from climate change and corporate social responsibility to specific problems, such as food security, and involve multiple types of actors. Our group studies how different types of organizational actors (i.e. private/public/non-profit) are positioned in and contribute to such discourses.